Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 4

This week I am beginning to teach the literature of the world lit class. I have to figure out how to incoporate the grammar workbooks as we continue to read Epic of Gilgamesh. There is a lot of material to cover in a short period. Mrs. Moore says that students generally need less extrapolation as we get further into the test, but students will need a lot of help. We'll do the vocabulary online, and we've got another project near the end of the unit. In between, good chunks of reading and note-taking.

We are seeing performances in theater classes starting tomorrow as students do our version of Show and Tell. Friday, I will begin the pantomime unit. I will also have my first university supervisor date. I should be fine. I do have some work to do to build the unit on improvisation. I am still debating how to frame my major assessment, which should be a group paper or presentation. Maybe I should make it a presentation so that we can give students more time to get comfortable in front of an audience.

My other objective? Figure out how to get around the school's block on YouTube. I thought an embedded video would work, but evidently it won't. I'll get it soon enough.

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