Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three Days in

I may very well have seen something yesterday that I might never see again in my whole teaching career. I reached my second section of World Lit with Mrs. Moore and was surprised to see Dr. A, the school's principal, in the room. He regaled the class with stories--I get the feeling he does that often. He asked the students, mostlu seniors, if they were excited at the prospects of graduating. One student (I'll call him James) said he wasn't sure he'd be able to, and Dr. A asked James to put his name on a card, along with his homeroom info, and he'd see what he could do.

After Dr. A finally left, James told Mrs. Moore that he had written down his friend's name. When she pressed, he said he was only kidding. Turns out that he wasn't. Today, Dr. A made a return trip, since James had sent him on a wild goose chase. He was not pleased. He took James into the hall, and when James returned, his mood definitely changed.
Dr. A spoke briefly with Mrs. Moore, who later told me that James was going to be suspended.

Here, a student made a really, really bad decision that could affect his life significantly. Dr. A may have been able to grease the wheels to get James closer to graduation. You can bet he won't be receiving any favors now.

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