Saturday, August 14, 2010

Finding a window to the world

Allow me to introduce myself. I have lived in Chicago for the last decade, falling more and more in love with the city all the time. Having published two books of poetry and a musical, I am now looking to share my enthusiasm for film and book analysis and juxtapose it against the local sports scene, among other things. Along the way, as I work my way into teaching high school, I will be sure to relay some of the literature revelations that I experience with students.

Most of all, I want to establish the important of hearing the stories of the world. Recently, I have read The Kite Runner, Reading Lolita in Tehran, and The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories from the Arizona-Mexico Badlands, and there are many more interesting works to come. While I respect the right of each person to his or her own viewpoints, my goal to show people how literature (fiction and non-) can better inform decisions. In the end, opposition for opposition's sake benefits no one.

I hope that, by following this blog, you, too, find pieces of information that inspire you to read more about the world around, and maybe we'll share a laugh or two as well.

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