Friday, April 1, 2016

What kind of higher education opportunities do we want our children to have? In a state once celebrated for its accessibility, the state that most accurately represents the country's diversity, universities are being forced to close, furlough their employees, and demand payment from students in lieu of the grants already awarded but no longer funded. All because of a governor who has made it a mission to destroy social services and education opportunities for those who just need a hand to help them up so they can continue putting in the legwork. All because of policies designed to siphon even more money to the richest one percent (like himself) while suppressing the rest of us. March for our kids, the children that will abandon the state that is abandoning them. March for the students who are constantly told through testing that they must work harder to get into college, that they must have a four-year degree, and must take out exorbitant loans to pay for it. March for those who will be left with incomplete degrees and communities without jobs. Speak up today to let Springfield and Chicago know that the status quo is not acceptable, that we won't allow ourselves to be taxed to bankruptcy without anything to show for it. Fight for fair funding TODAY! #fightforfunding #saveourschools #realchitownrising #shutdownchi #firerauner #recallrahm

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