Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting paid to teach rather than paying for the opportunity

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to teach a class for the first time while on the payroll clock. Granted, it was little more than babysitting a few social studies classes, but there is definitely something to be said about earning a paycheck after so long working on this new career. As I told students while I was student teaching, I liked the idea of teaching so much I was paying (a lot of money) for the opportunity. Substituting yesterday was the opportunity to actually get paid instead. Will it be much? No. Did I really enjoy the day? No, but I did survive without too much collateral damage. It's fair to say that I learned a few things, not the least of which was that I'd much prefer a long term position to the daily guessing game of not knowing where or what I was teaching.

Today, I received excellent news: I don't have to submit to the daily Rubiks puzzle for at least six weeks. Starting on Monday, I will be back at the school at which I did my student teaching, with a full slate of English classes. Tomorrow, I am meeting with the teacher for whom I am covering, getting lesson plans and a pretty good sense of what is going on. It is a school I know well, and I'm happy to report that it was the English department head who made sure that I was on the short list of those to contact for the substitute position. My guess is that a successful stint will almost certainly lead to a full-time position in the fall. At the very least, I will be better able to schedule my life, balancing out the completion of my class, other interviews and responsibilities with my office position. There will be long days, but I survived it while student teaching, so I can do it now. Guess I now have something new to talk about at next week's college reunion!

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