Saturday, February 19, 2011

Books, books and more books

I have been doing some reviews of books for a class that I am taking on young adult literature. Below is a review on a book I just picked up this week. Check it out, and let me know if you'd like to see more reviews.

Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick (Balzer & Bray, 2009)

This is a well-written look at a young soldier's life in the Iraq war, with language that is accessible for YA readers. In many respects, Matt Duffy, the protagonist, and his compatriot Justin are just kids, dealing with the ups and downs of life in combat. As the book begins, we learn that Matt has been "on the business end" of an RPG and is being evaluated for TBI (traumatic brain injury). The investigation into "the incident" dominates much of the early part of the novel, shedding light on the hierarchy within the military and the pressures faced by all to get the servicemen and women back in the field ASAP. I really like the way how McCormick contrasts the fears and risks for the troops with the teen worries about driving and school tests.

Overall, I think this is a book that could be used in a mature classroom to discuss the implications of war and the effects felt by all participants. McCormick doesn't get into the politics of the war; rather, she focuses on the circumstances present on the ground and the relationships between Matt and the others in his unit as they make their way through Sadr City. Purple Heart would definitely be a book to consider using, especially in a classroom that could handle some crude language and challenging topics.

View all my reviews at

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